Below is the fact sheet on the length and size of the Instagram video and other Instagram requirements. To convert video to Instagram size online and make it suitable for sharing on Instagram, you must find out the video specifications that Instagram supports. What are the Length and Size of Instagram Videos Best Alternative to Convert Video for Instagram Format Online Best Way to Convert Video for Instagram Online Free In this post, you will learn about the length and size of Instagram videos, how to convert video for Instagram online free, and the best alternative to convert video for Instagram format online. However, you must convert your videos to Instagram format to share videos on the platform. If you love to share unique moments with your followers or loved ones by photos or videos, Instagram is one of the best platforms to use. How to Convert Video for Instagram Online Free 6.6 compress video audio for whatsapp free online.6.2 convert video to gif whatsapp iphone.4.7 convert video for instagram online free.3.5 facebook cover video converter online.1.9 best format to export from premiere pro.